Testing Center
The following outlines expectations for students with exam accommodations who take exams in the Testing Center.
When Scheduling an Exam:
- It is the student’s responsibility to communicate their testing accommodations with their instructors at the beginning of each semester by sending their Accommodation Letter.
- All exams should be scheduled at the same time they would be taken in class. To test outside of that time, students are responsible for receiving permission from their professor. If exam times overlap with classes or other exams, students may request from their professors to adjust the time of their exam and schedule accordingly with the Testing Center.
- Students must fill out the Accommodated Exam Schedule Request at least one week before their exam date if they plan to take their exam at the Testing Center. Students who submit requests with less than one week notice may forfeit the ability to take their exam in the Testing Center. If students would like assistance filling out the scheduling form, they can go to the Testing Center to schedule their exam in person or schedule over the phone.
- If a student submits a request less than 2 academic days before the exam date, they must receive written approval to take their exam at the Testing Center from their professor and Testing Center staff.
- Students can schedule exams within Testing Center hours that begin no earlier than 8 AM and end no later than 4:50 PM Monday - Thursday and 2:50 PM on Friday. Extended hours may be available upon request with ample notice.
- Students must inform the Testing Center if they are canceling or/ rescheduling an exam ASAP.
When Taking an Exam:
- Students should arrive ready to begin their exam at their scheduled start time. Students may begin to forfeit their testing time as they would if they showed up late for in-class testing.
- Upon arrival, students must place all belongings (including phones, smartwatches, and any other similar devices) in a locker located in the Testing Center. A student worker will assign one per exam.
- Students are monitored via a camera to ensure the integrity of each exam.
- Infrequent bathroom breaks are permitted. Any restroom breaks are a part of the allotted exam time. If a student needs to use the restroom, the exam should be left face down on the desk, along with any other approved testing materials. During restroom breaks, students are not permitted to access their personal belongings. Or communicate with anyone other than the exam proctor.
- If a student becomes ill, it is their responsibility to inform the exam proctor ASAP. They will contact the professor and reschedule the exam to a later date.
- The exam must be completed within the allotted time.
- No calculators, food, beverages, or additional items will be permitted for use unless they are defined by the professor, or your accommodation permits them.
- Water bottles are allowed on desks.
Test Security and Testing Protocols
Quizzes and examinations received by the Testing Center are maintained in a secured, password protected shared-drive (digital copies) or in a locked file cabinet behind a locked storage room door (printed copies). Completed quizzes and exams only will be sent to an instructor’s Capital University email account. When a student takes an examination, proof of identity is confirmed by their university I.D. or, alternately, by a valid driver’s license. The student places all personal belongings (e.g., backpacks, coats, non-permitted electronic devices) in a secured locker prior to entering the video surveilled testing room.
Academic Misconduct:
In the event of suspected cheating on an exam:
- An incident report will be emailed to Testing Center supervisors as well as the relevant faculty.
- The validity of the observations will be determined. If they are true, further action may be taken through the University’s Academic Integrity Board.
Sanctions may be imposed for integrity violations. These can result in temporary or permanent “FI” (F given for a violation of academic integrity), disciplinary probation, suspension, or dismissal. (See student handbook (PDF) for further details.)
Contact Us
Ruff Learning Center
First Floor
Phone: 614-236-6611
Email: testingcenter@istanbulbuklet.com
Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 5 pm
Friday: 8 am - 3 pm